Doramasflix is a Spanish-made, drugstore-based comedy/drug show that begins with the introduction of three new characters: Juan, Alejo, and Paco. The main plot of the show revolves around drug abuse, the dangers connected to such behaviour and the struggle of the main characters to break free from their addiction. The show becomes more heartfelt as it goes on and the characters find more depth in each episode. I am yet to see a comedy that tackles drug use, drug addiction and its consequences in such a funny and honest way. The programme was recently picked up for a second season on Sky 1. The first season was very successful, and I'm sure that people will not be disappointed by this second season as well.
A Hatful of Hints is based on the book "A Hatless of Hints", written by Paco Medina. It tells the story of four friends who have a serious problem with drugs. When their house is burgled, they make up a plan to rob the owners to pay for their own rehab. This is a humorous drama with a great deal of originality and that's why it became so popular.
Doramas de Cuba is a ten-part drama series directed by Paco Medina. It picks up shortly after the events of A Hatful of Hints. The first ten episodes feature a different character for each scene, which makes the show seem like a truly organic and realistic piece of work. There are jokes that hit home, there are tears that are shed and there is comedy galore. For me, this is one of the most endearing shows on television, and I can't wait until next week to catch up with it again.
This fantastic drama was created by director, Paco Medina, and starring Gaelle Molloy, Yaya Cordero, Jose P. Pena, and Carlos Mencia. The name of the show itself says everything that is needed about it, a tale of history, a love story, and much more. In essence, it is an eight-part drama soap that is set in the year 20xx. The premise of the plot revolves around a drug lord, Jose para Mencia, who gains control of the local nightclub called the Doramas nightclub following an unfortunate accident that killed his family.
Following his rise to power, Jose installs en doramascoreos, or dealers, who he deals with drugs. The dealers make sure that everyone gets what they need, and then some, as he turns the club into a money-making empire. Things start going wrong, however, as he realizes that he has forgotten a certain bill. In order to cover his tracks, he sends out several shipments of illegal drugs to his contacts, the doramas coreanos, who are willing to trade large sums of money for their stock.
Once he gets hold of the shipment, he calls his contact, Don Ed Hardy. The two strike up a deal, and Ed gives him a list of products that the company needs to sell in order to pay their outstanding bills. As part of the agreement, Don offers to help Jose find the buyers for their productoras, which the producer promptly agrees to do. With the help of the internet, Don and Jose go online, and their unlikely partnership soon draws in several hundreds of interested parties.
Upon making contact with each buyer, Don Ed Hardy makes sure that their products are shipped out as soon as possible, but by the time he gets back to his office, the goods are all gone. With no buyers, the company folds, and Don launches a new online business, "doramasflix". With a good dose of irony, Don and his associate start working on a new marketing strategy, while concurrently, their old friend, Enzo, plots his revenge - a plan which includes poison, kidnapping and murder. Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger makes contact with Don and prepares to make contact with his former associates. Armed with some very special and deadly equipment, the doramasflix team must battle an endless tide of enemies.
"Doramasflix" is a hilarious drama that promises to keep our attention as long as the credits run. The credit sequences are fast-paced, exciting and packed with humor. What's more, the doramasflix promo code you get will be sure to get you one free DVD of the movie!
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